Unknown Friday, April 27, 2012

Yesterday was busy. Busier than I anticipated. But everything came off without a hitch and the class that I gave - while sparsely attended due to weather - went well and I think some people ended up with some new ideas.

So yesterday's hour only ended in having two pairs of jammies cut out. Terribly cute, of course and I really intended to sew them together today. But while yesterday was very busy and successful on one score, it was also tiring and deflating in other ways. Nothing earth shattering, but after a disappointing day, I decided that cute jammies are not OMGDOITNOW necessary so I could indulge in some silliness. And my hour today was spent doing this.

I call it the Sweet Crustacean. It is Kristin from skirt as top fame's Sweet Tartan pattern. And this is the fourth one of these bad boys I've done. Two of them have been given away, and one other plus this one are for Elizabeth. I used an old guys top that I got from a yard sale and there just wasn't enough of it to do the print all the way around the back. But I don't think Elizabeth will care and I sure don't mind. The other fabric? Oh, that's an old sheet. HA! Luck favored me there. I had NOTHING else that went with it and the sheet was piled up and covered in cat hair in our bedroom closet.  I panic around the house and finally find it. Yay! the Sweet Crustacean lives!

If we head to the beach this June, this is totally going with us.

Now, my need for funny has been satisfied. And I've had a productive hour. It's been GRAND today! Hurrah!


  1. it makes me sooooo happy that you've made so many of this dress! love the crustaceans, this would be right at home on the beach, FOR SURE. so cute.

  2. kristin, i really love this pattern. it's my go-to dressy pattern now. job well done designing it!
